• 旗帜-内部-白色


    • 光环横幅




创建 广泛的学术多样性,以吸引各种类型的学习者和学习.

设计 dedicated and adaptable spaces for all students as they strive to reach their potential and discover their interests.

提供 all students the necessary exposure to a range of disciplines so they may determine and vet their path of collegiate study.

扩大 further the interdisciplinary core learning and collaboration already in place at St. 迈克尔的.


新的24小时,000 square foot building allows our faculty to teach collaborative and creative lessons in robotics, 工程, 电影制作, 业务, 音乐, 和数据, 培养批判性思维和沉浸式学习,让学生茁壮成长. The advanced learning experiences that the students enjoy will solidly position St. 迈克尔中学是奥斯汀最好的中学之一.




收购 & 留住顶尖教学人才

Easily attract the best teaching talent and retain the outstanding faculty we already have as a high school with such facilities and 项目.

培养大学生 & 企业合作伙伴

Expand upon partnerships with top universities and invite corporate and other research institutions to participate with us in supporting and preparing students for future goals in work, 教育, 家庭与社区.


提供类, workshops and other opportunities for students in many disciplines in which industry experts would interact with students in a real-world atmosphere — be that a laboratory, 会议室或健康/医疗套房.


Develop a culture of self-directed learners who become the primary stakeholders in their own 教育 and distinguish themselves in the eyes of college admission and internship directors.



  • 什么是光环项目?

    The 光环 (Hub for Advanced Learning Opportunities) project is to build a new campus wing to meet emerging 教育 model requirements that go beyond the classroom, 进一步扩大学校应对沉浸式需求的能力, 理想的学习空间,提升所有人的教育体验. The 光环 project will also transform the entire campus with the addition of a prominent entrance and walkway to create a more attractive campus welcome experience.
  • 为什么我们现在发起这个活动?

    首先也是最重要的, we are compelled to complete all on-campus development before our impervious cover allowance expires in 2022. In essence, if we don’t build now, we will actually forfeit any future campus expansion for St. 迈克尔的. 此外, in order to retain and sustain our mission as a college preparatory learning environment, St. 迈克尔的 must evolve to include facilities for cutting-edge programming and subjects to reach and teach all students in order to advance their futures. 光晕, we are moving toward an environment with learning elasticity to match the skills elasticity necessary in today’s shifting marketplace. Doing so will provide students the necessary exposure to determine and vet their path of collegiate study.
  • 建设的时间表是什么?

    施工已基本完成. 该建筑预计将于2022年8月开放.
  • 学费收入是否用于资助这个项目?

    No. 这个项目将完全通过捐赠和补助金来资助. 学校将寻求祖父母的支持, 校友, 学校之友, 还有慈善基金会. 如果你的家人愿意为我们的活动捐款, or if you have a family foundation that would be interested in supporting the campaign, 请与教务处联络.
  • 我的礼物将支持什么?

    Campaign gifts will support a building plan for a two-story structure situated on the west side of the central courtyard that includes open-concept elements and a flexible configuration. 从机器人到音乐录制, 以及电影制作中的人工智能, 光环将促进和支持协作学习, 跨学科环境. 虽然我们设想在空间中将有永久的固定装置, 比如工程或音乐实验室, most of the space will otherwise be built to accommodate any number of activities with the use of mobile carts, 还有可移动的墙壁, 固定装置及设备.
  • 每个家庭的期望贡献是多少?

    这一激动人心的变革倡议首先在这里发生! No other Austin area high school will have anything comparable to ours — a separate, dedicated facility for students to explore their own interests; learn to use tools and materials, 物理的和虚拟的, 开发有创意的项目——高科技或不高科技! We encour年龄 all families to make a meaningful contribution at a level that is most suitable. Gifts to the campaign should be based on your ability to give and belief in the mission of St. 迈克尔的. 让圣. 迈克尔的慈善事业将确保这次活动的成功.
  • 有命名的机会吗??

    姓名礼品的机会是可用的. 请向教务处提出你的兴趣, 或者使用提供给您的材料来表明您的偏好.
  • 你怎样才能认出我的礼物?

    Publicly acknowledging gifts to the campaign via sign年龄 and marketing materials is a meaningful way for the School to recognize donors. 而一些捐赠者更愿意保持匿名, many others appreciate being honored for their gift as a way to inspire others to participate.
  • 我们家没有能力送这么大的礼物. 我们还应该参加这个活动吗?

    绝对! 我们希望我们所有的家庭都承诺向光环活动捐款, 不管礼物的大小. 每一份贡献都很重要. 家长的高度参与, 校友 and faculty can help the school raise additional grants from foundations and corporations to support our campaign.
  • 学校接受股票礼物吗, 保险, 慈善信托或公司配对礼品计划?

    是的. 礼物,如有价证券, 保险 or trusts provide tax incentives for donors and can make gifts go further. Additionally, many companies match their employees' charitable gifts, making a gift grow even larger. 更多信息请联系教务处.
  • 赠送给光环活动的礼物是否可以免税?

    是的. St. 迈克尔的 Catholic School meets the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3). Donors should check with their financial professionals regarding tax deductibility.
  • 我的孩子要毕业了,再也不会用这个地方了. 我为什么要出资??

    在上议院, 我们的捐赠者致谢板上写着, “有时候,少数人可以改变许多人的生活.不过是少数几个人把圣. 迈克尔在奥斯汀的生活. 以他们的信念和远见, 这些创始人开创了天主教高中的新模式——独立高中, exclusively 9th - 12th grade institution with diocesan ties — that would rank as a top-tier secondary school. St. 迈克尔的是顶级的, and it is incumbent on all of us to maintain that position for future generations.
  • 资本运动与十字军基金有何不同?

    Funds raised by the Crusader Fund each year support our current year annual operating expenses, 包括学费资助, 教师专业发展, 以及学术和运动项目. 资本运动, 另一方面, 为一项主要的资本投资筹集资金, 比如一栋新楼, 广泛的重建, 或养老.
  • 我会被要求在资本竞选期间支持十字军基金吗?

    是的. 即使是在竞选期间, the ongoing expenses to operate will continue to require the support of the Crusader Fund. 因为学费只占运营预算的一部分, 每年的捐赠对我们学校的生活至关重要. St. 迈克尔的 uses a financial model that combines tuition and charitable donations to balance the school’s operating budget. 美国许多最成功的私立学校都采用这种方法, this model designates that 80-90% of operating costs are covered by 学费 and Fees and the remaining 10-20% of operating costs are covered by donations.


  • 我们是。
